Nutrition Graduate Programs in North America

Find Nutrition Graduate Programs in the United States and Canada. If you'd like to achieve a Masters or Ph.D. in nutrition, you should first review admission requirements to nutrition graduate programs. Typically, prospective students must take an aptitude test prior to enrollment. Additionally, applicants to nutrition graduate programs must have earned a minimum undergraduate degree with an above average GPA.
Common studies involved in nutrition graduate programs are research in genetic and metabolic foundations (in animal and human diets), nutritional biochemistry, pathology in relation to nutrition, nutritional epidemiology, and other related subject matter.
Nutrition graduate programs that result in a Master's (MS) degree entail in-depth coursework in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, advanced nutrition, physiology, and advanced human nutrition. In addition, students will almost always have to complete a thesis, as well as residency. Generally, nutrition graduate programs like this require a minimum of two years to complete.
Doctorate (Ph.D.) nutrition graduate programs include higher studies, doctoral dissertation research, and advanced nutrition sciences and research, among other associated courses. Ph.D. program lengths vary, but usually take between three and four years to finish successfully.
Students may also opt to participate in nutrition graduate programs with an emphasis on food science. These studies generally focus on food chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology; food processing, and supplementary research, thesis and residency. These nutrition graduate programs generally require the same amount of time and prerequisites as typical M.S. and Ph.D. courses.
Candidates who have successfully completed nutrition graduate programs in North America have potential to earn well over $60,000 annually in a faster-than-average growing career field. In addition to the positive financial outlook, professional nutritionists and dieticians gain overall satisfaction in helping individuals to make effective dietary choices in the prevention of disease, improved health and overall wellbeing.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding nutrition graduate programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.
Employment source: (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Nutrition Graduate Programs in North America
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Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Nutrition Graduate Programs, Personal Trainer Schools, and other Career Schools.

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